Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dogs don't care about Time Changes

Last night, I worked on my literary endeavor off and on again for about 6 hours. The three dogs watched my every move, and every time I rose to stretch or get a drink, they followed, so I let them outside for a few minutes.

Dogs don't use clocks to tell time. They don't really use their master's habits either. What they do use is their own internal clock, one that says "time to pee, time to eat," or "time to sleep".

This morning, long before sunrise, Sally hopped on the bed to let me know that it was time for something. My clock said 4:30, which was 3:30 in old time, but that's about the time I usually get up, and sally had needs. So off to the door we went, with Lucy and Ethel dragging along.

"Everybody go poop" I commanded, and of course they did. Right in the middle of the sidewalk, as if displaying trophies of their accomplishments. Lucy is the smallest in height, but the biggest in girth, and she is proud of her poops, all in one place, one big pile.
Ethel though, likes to walk down the sidewalk while doing it, as if writing a message to the Gods. Translated, I believe the pattern may say something like "Send more Puppy treats."
Finally, there's Sally, who likes to cover all the bases, literally. Sally likes to spread the fertilizing wealth, so to speak, around. One poop here, one poop there, then one over there, and another over here. It all ends up in the Rose garden, but still, she tries to share.

But to them the Time change means nothing. When I get up, it's time to go. When I leave for work, its puppy treat time. When Kricket gets up at 6:30, they go out again, and when she leaves it's puppy treats for the road. when I get home after 3 PM, it's time to run outside and poop once again, after holding it all day.

Between Brinks security, with alarms on every door, and motion detectors, our dogs don't worry about time changes or intruders. all they worry about is sleeping, eating, pooping, and chasing squirrels.

The sun comes up, and the Sun goes down, and all is right in their world. What a life. I'm sort of jealous.

1 comment:

Dear Maddy said...

Dude, I was about to say I think you've lost your mind, but you are posting about Dog poop. Dog poop and politics are pretty much the same, aren't they? carry On!