Sunday, March 1, 2009

Beware the Serial Killer Kitty!

Last night I was somewhere enjoying fellowship and good conversation when the discussion happened to turn on the topic of the cat that can predict who is going to die.
Now please don't ask how we got on that topic, okay?

Anywho, somewhere in America there is a Nursing Home where they have a cat that has an uncanny knack of visiting the patients who are about to die.

The day before they kick the bucket, most likely before finishing their bucket list, this cat will meander down the halls, pick a room and pop in for a visit.

Next thing you know, the resident of that room is dead.

Observers say it is uncanny, but me?

I'm wondering if something more sinister is at work here.

Y'all ever see them "chuckie" movies, about the psycho killer whose spirit gets trapped is some kids toy? Well, I'm wondering if some "Angel of Death" type once worked at that place, and now their soul is stuck in the cat.

Whose to say that cat isn't unplugging the oxygen machine when nobody's looking, or putting a crink in the old IV line?

I gotta tell ya, if I was a resident in that Nursing home, and I saw old "killer" kitty bouncing down the hall towards my room, I'd be shutting and locking my door.
Then again, there might be some people who would want the old kitty Kevorkian to drop by and ease their pain.

In some ancient cultures, cats were worshipped as guardians of the underworld, you have to wonder if maybe one of them is up and around, trying to bring back the old tradition. "Hi. my name is Kevorkocat, you ready for the afterlife?'

With my luck, when it's my time, I'll get the cat reincarnation of ol Jeffy Dahmer. I don't think a bag of Meow mix will hold him off. Looks like I better plan on double dead bolting the door at my room!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked "Cats" on Broadway, loved the "memories."

But Kevorkocat? That's scary, and funny! You're sicko!