Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Last Week I got tagged....

So you know what that means?

I have to list 7 weird things about me, and tag 7 other bloggers.

First I have to blame Mincognito for tagging me. That's what I get for reading her and leaving comments, but she's a great read, so check her out.

I'm going to share the torture and shame, and I hereby tag the following blogs:

Lehigh Valley with Love

Mitzi's Musings

Redhead Ranting

The Junk Drawer

Lehigh Lexicon

Capri, Nothing Like the Pants

Cooking with Anne

Okay, so seven weird things about me, just seven? Where the hell do I start?

1. I like to put ruffles potato chips inside my Oscar Meyer Bologna sandwiches, with French's mustard, colby jack cheese, and dill pickles. I like my Peanut Butter that way as well, with crunchy chips!

2. Whenever I am using tools, I have an OCD (Obsessive Compulsive disorder) moment. I have to lay them out in a straight line, sort of a military "dress right dress" before I can use any of them.

3. I can't turn the radio off in the middle of a song, I have to wait until it is over, and if a new one starts that I like, I'm in trouble.

4. I feel guilty about trapping and killing the mice/vermin, but I laugh when Mr. Hawk swoops out of the tree out back and snatches Mr. Chipmunk under the bird feeder. I'm not into doing the harm, but I appreciate the circle of life.

5. I'm constantly putting my underpants on backwards, I don't know why, maybe early onset of Alzheimer's? But I never realize it until I go to work and nature calls.

6. I will make sure all the other residents of casa di Casey are fed before I eat. I fill all the dog dishes, water bowls, bird feeders, etc, before I make my own dinner. I'm even feeding the cat from the woods regularly, during the harsh winter, now that it has taken up living under our deck.

7. I think Jim Croce (Bad bad, Leroy Brown) and Harry Chapin (Cats in the Cradle) are two of the most under appreciated musical troubadours of the 20Th century.

That's my list of 7, maybe more off the wall, not quite completely weird things about me.

Now go compile your own lists, but you might want to keep it to yourselves.


Anne Coleman said...

Your list is hysterical! OCD seems to be the theme ;)

I have to say - I am out of weird things - I did the list twice now and after 14 things, I can't find any more. Maybe that's weird in itself? Hmmm...

Mitzi said...

I definitely agree with #7.

Anonymous said...


Potato chips in your sandwich?

That's gross.

The underwear? That's funny.

I'll pray for you.


Chris Casey said...

I've never considered myself OCD. Maybe I should ask my wife for a second opinion.

I'm sure that 30 years from now, the kids listening to Rap music today will consider their heroes as genius. personally, I've come to appreciate Croce's "Time in a Bottle" as one of the greatest albums ever made. If Cat Stevens hadn't gone off the deep end, I'd put "moonshadow" on there as well.


I'm glad I amuse you. I might make one of those sandwiches soon.
Pray for the dogs, they end up getting the crumbs.

mincognita said...

Hey, we have something in common.
And no, I don't routinely wear my underwear backwards... but I do put potato chips on my sandwiches.

My fav is shaved Krakus ham, baby Swiss, yellow mustard and Lay's KC B-B-Qued chips...pickles on the side.

We should do lunch sometime! :)

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the tag! Can you fix the link to the blog though. It's
Thanks again!

Chris Casey said...


Actually, if I make a sandwich tonight, I'll will use regular Lays potato chips. MMmmmmmm!

LvLove - you weren't the only one to notice, I left out the dot on your address. I fixed it, glad to have you!

Anonymous said...

okay it worked. Well, I still will probably not get around to this for quite some time, but.... whenever I do I'll be sure to let you know!