Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ah, the beginning of LINT! No, Not Lent, LINT!

That's right, L I N T!

Not L E N T! LINT!

At least that's how we said it in my house growing up. And considering the dietary demands of LINT, it's amazing none of us starved. I think Lint was the main course at some meals.Though I do miss my Mom's Potato soup, something every Irish Catholic Mom probably knows how to make.

Gee, I'm so looking forward to enjoying Fish every Friday, and abstaining from meat, at least until I forget and have a bowl of Chicken Noodle soup or something.

Look, lets face it. I'm probably going to be one of those people who can't get into Heaven or Hell, and I'll end up at some level of unearthly existence somewhere in between, working in the afterlife Bowling Alley/Bingo Hall, for fallen away Catholics.

When I'm not selling instant express ride to Heaven (Keno) tickets, I'll be working the colored pin get a strike go to heaven game on the lanes. Get a strike on a Red headpin, and go to hell, Get a strike on a blue head pin, and go to heaven. Get a strike on a Green or Black Head pin, and get a couple of decades commuted off your sentence.
In my afterlife of penance, I'm the head mechanic and clearing all the machine jams by myself. With my luck, There will be a ball stuck on lane 1, and a fire on lane 5002 at the other end at the same time.

I guess it could be worse. St Peter could sentence me to do my penance by writing a Blog about it!


Anonymous said...

It would be worse if we had to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

ANON 7:18 Then stop reading. What motivates you to come here if you are considering it punishment? Ah, I see, you are into that - figures. I say God bless your significant other.

No doubt, Chris, you will be falling off the wagon because this means no beef vegetable soup for you at our Friday evening haunt.

I say we will be okay, as long as you don't make me eat tuna fish.

Chris Casey said...

I would delete the comment from the "B. O." as in BLOG OGRE, but Mrs C already commented, and it's been up there all day, so what's it matter?

There's maybe two dozen people, at best, that read my blog. I don't make money off it, I only do Entrecard drop among other Entrecard members. I run a friendly, no trash anyone, poke fun at myself blog.

I don't link to all the "Important" blog sites. It's not an ego booster for me. I'm going to go back to working on my book now. Check out my latest post showing the dog saving another dog in traffic.

Now that's worth sharing, not some hate comment.

Anonymous said...

Chris - Count me in your readership. I'll be in the fallen-away (2nd generation) Catholic heap in the afterlife, too! Glad to hear the book is going well. KathyD

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Chris Casey said...

I was forced to remove a derogatory comment towards another blogger that was inappropriate and off topic.