Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lawnmower Man

  I was watching the one pre-10 PM show I enjoy Sunday night, The Amazing Race, when my doorbell rang. This incited a large amount of barking from two black Cocker Spaniels, and broke the tension of the shows finale.
    I wasn't expecting anybody, and I was surprised to see it was one of my neighbors across the street.

   And she was not happy.

    You see, she goes away for weeks at a time, and doesn't mow her lawn. She doesn't mow it much when she's home either, for that matter, and it usually looks like hell. The lady next door to her is a regular customer of mine, so Sunday afternoon when I mowed hers, I mowed the small part in front of the doorbell ringers house that was across the shared driveway of their town homes.

   To make a long story short, doorbell ringer has demanded that I never cut her lawn again, because I cut it too short. She mowed it before she left, and she wants it that way. She berated me for trespassing on her property.
   I thought I was doing a nice thing, but she doesn't see it that way, and I respect her wishes. After all, it is her property, and if she wants to live in an unkempt forest on those rare occasions she is home, more power to her.
     I should go take a picture of her back yard and post it, to show you what it looks like, but I don't want to anger her further. Lets just say that her back yard resembles a wheat field and leave it at that.

   You guys think I was wrong to mow her yard while she was away? It screams to passersby that nobody is home. It really looks like hell. I never mowed her back, only the small part facing the street and the small slice along the curb. I won't mow it anymore, but it's going to be tough. It is going to really contrast the every ten day treatment I give my customers yard and how I keep the sidewalk edged and borders weed whacked. Oh well, no good deed goes unpunished.

1 comment:

Monkey Momma said...

My neighbor mowed the word "MOW" into one of our neighbor's lawns, after we'd had a few beers and decided it was a good idea!!! Turns out, the MOW sign worked - that lawn has been mowed meticulously ever since, and that was years ago!

Your neighbor sounds delightful. (NOT!) My advice is to stay away from her, as she obviously has no common sense or manners. Perhaps a midnight mission with some Roundup is in order??? In any event, you didn't do anything wrong and most people would have knocked on your door to say THANK YOU. Your neighbor's insanity is just not your problem.