Through the magic of Computers, I can take a post I wrote Wednesday night, add a picture I took on Thursday Morning, and post!
This is a picture of the sidewalk up to my building at work. I took it from the door looking out.
What's crazy is that the snow blower guy came and cleared the Sidewalk. After he left, the guy plowing the parking lot plowed it shut! I dug some of it out, but then I called the service and bitched. They are supposed to be back, but knowing how things are out there right now, I'm not holding my breath.
The Snowpocalypse has come and all the Dunkin Donuts were closed at 4:30 AM. I'm like a junkie without a fix. Gonna have to rectify that.
I was out for about nine hours shoveling snow yesterday. I have always been too cheap to buy a snow blower. My reasoning was I could do most of what I remove with a shovel by myself. Two of my neighbors have Snow Blowers, and both of those machines failed. I am just tired. I am not broken, but that pinched nerve in my back that acts up if I stay on my feet for hours on end started acting up and my right leg went numb last night. That was in addition to my left hamstring acting up again. That's too much damn fun for one guy to have before he is 50 years old.
I love my direct TV, we have had it five months and had no problems until yesterday. Three times I had to clean the snow off of the Dish, and as soon as I did it worked fine. I will take something I can fix in five minutes by myself any day over waiting on hold with RCN for a half hour or more and getting a person in INDIA who can't speak English or get my cable to work.
So there you have it, a short post meshing last nights bedtime thoughts with this mornings' example of Human stupidity. all the members of my warehouse crew made it in, but no one in marketing/order prep has, and if they don't get in to process orders soon we will likely have to work Saturday to get caught up. That's kind of a good thing, because no one is getting paid for yesterday, and many need the full paychecks to get by. We shall see. Stay warm everybody!
Our plows do the same thing. They always come by after everyone has shoveled out their driveways and walks which mean everyone has to go back out and undo what they did.
I have a snowblower but I can't remember how to start it. My neighbor has been wonderful and snow blowed my driveway for the last three snow storms.
Give me a shovel over a snowblower anyday!
Less hassle and headaches, no question.
No money needed for gas, either.
DirecTV kicks butt - gotta love college hockey.
(The Big Ten could have a decent hockey league, if it wanted)
Jen, 28 years ago when I was in the Army overseas I mail oredered a Snow Blower for my 70 year old parents to use. When I came home, it was still in the box THREE YEARS LATER.
Rolf, I love watching College Hockey. Those kids play with HEART.
And it is a much cleaner game.
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