Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A Visitor this Morning
It's been a hard winter for us, how do you think the wildlife are handling it? They don't know to get to the grocery store and stock up, they get by on what they can get. It makes me feel pretty lucky.
But when I think about it, they don't get all excited over inaccurate idiot weather predictions either.
(Click on picture to enlarge)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Driving with Hot Flashes
We were sitting in a booth at a window when two women who were both on the far side of 80 years of age came in. One using a walker, the other using a cane. They were seated in the booth behind us.
Neither had a hearing aid. Which precipitated my wife and I being privy to every word they spoke.
The truly terrifying part of what we heard was that the lady using the walker, who also wore big thick black sunglasses INSIDE the diner, was the one who DROVE them there.
Walker Lady: "I'm glad you could come today. I have trouble seeing the driveway."
Cane Lady: "I can see the driveway, I just can't turn my head to drive."
Does that scare you? Wait, there's more.....
Cane Lady: "I have been so hot at night. I had to get up and turn on the air conditioning in my unit and stand in front of it. I can't believe I'm still gotting flasshes at my age."
Walker Lady: "I don't think we ever get over menopause."
That's just what I needed to hear as I was eating my Tuna salad sandwhich and Crock of French Onion soup. We weren't the only ones who could hear this either. The Senior Couple on the other side of us started discussing the old ladies' problem.
Wife: "She should see her Doctor."
Husband: "What did you do about your hot flashes?"
I almost spit soup on my wife. There are some things I just don't want to hear. We left very shortly after that. There was a small white sedan parked sideways in a handicap spot outside, and partially blocking the driveway. Any bets on who it might have belonged to?
All humor aside, I drove my parents everywhere they needed to go for about 6 years before they both passed away. I know how tough it is to restrict their freedom of movement to insure the safety of others around them. You have to weigh whether you want to risk getting a call that they had an accident and were killed or caused the death or injury of someone else over allowing them their freedom of movement.
I don't envy anyone who faces that choice.
Friday, February 19, 2010
I knew those damn Groundhogs were out to get us.
Punsxutawny Phil was just the beginning. You think the snow is bad? Who knew the varmints were training in the woods for a military strike?
Fortunately I have two vigilant Cocker Spaniels guarding my home. I bet the Pennsylvania Lottery is rigged, That Damn Groundhog Gus is probably their leader and sending out secret messages to them in those mindless commercials.
If I were a paranoid you should be worried, but I'm not.
I just thought the picture funny and thought I should share it. It sure would make hunting season interesting if the animals shot back, wouldn't it?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Snow Visions of the Future?

Does this look like the end of your Driveway? it sure seems that way to me on my street. It took me two hours just to shovel one side of my driveway wide enough to get one car in. I think I spent a total of five hours in all clearing it from curb to curb.
Over the last few days I picked away at it a few feet at a time.
I think the unofficial motto of the Snow Plow drivers in my Municipality is: "If you can still get out of your driveway, then we haven't done our job."
A family member had made me aware that The Farmers Almanac has been pretty spot on with its predictions for this Winter. It also says the worst is yet to come around March 8.
Personally, I have had enough.
Monday, February 15, 2010
As if we did not have enough Snow......

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Is Death good for the Olympic TV ratings?

Thursday, February 11, 2010
No Writer's Block here!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
You want Snow?! You Can't Handle the Snow!

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Spam Email to remember, but I would rather not get

Like everyone else, I get my share of Spam Emails. I occasionally explore the list of emails in the Spam filter to see if anything legitimate accidentally ended up there. I explore the ones that look interesting, and this week I got one that made me laugh out loud:
Dear Chris,
"Have you ever had, or are you considering, having a C-section?"
Yep, that is what it said. Now in defense of whatever Spam program generated this message, my first name is gender neutral. So that did not bother me in the least.
Now that a couple of days have passed, I've been thinking about how inappropriate it is to ask anyone of either sex that question.
How does somebody sitting at a keyboard somewhere justify sending out an anonymous electronic message to possibly millions of people and ask something like that? I kind of think that is a personal thing that gets asked under appropriate circumstances.
But now that I have been asked, I have decided to answer. No, I have never had a C-section, and no, I am not planning on having one. I am approaching that age where men have certain, ahem, bathroom issues, but I am sure that I can wait for my doctor to ask the relevant question. I'm sure my doctor will suggest the right course of action should the need arise.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Dangers of Blogging