Hey everybody!
Welcome to my contribution to the Blogosphere's Random Tuesday extravaganza!
If you check out my Blogroll, you will see some wonderful, humorous bloggers who live all over the United States, Canada, and in one case, Australia.
I enjoy their contributions to Random Tuesday thoughts, so I decided I needed to share mine.
My chosen topic for today is all the useless brouhaha over the coming Apocalypse on December 21, 2012. The same group of doomsayers who warned us about Ronald Wilson Reagan (6 letters in each of his names that is 666!), and then warned us about Nostradamus and the year 2000 computer meltdown (Y2K Lookout!) are now pointing to the Mayan calendar as the messenger as doom, and this new movie should be taken as a warning!
Here is my explanation for why the Mayan calendar ends on that date:
Something happened to, or with the guy who was drawing it.
Who is to say he didn't go home that night and have a heart attack in his sleep, or trip and hit his head on a stone? My favorite possible explanation, and the one I feel most likely to be true, is that Mr Mayan Calendar maker didn't get paid. That's right, I would bet the Mayan civilization went bankrupt trying to bring about universal shaman care for all its citizens, and Mr Calendar maker stopped working on it because he wasn't going to take anymore I.O.U's from their Social security trust fund.
I would also like to point out that numbers are a creation of man. Numbers and days only mean what we want them to mean. Why do you think people read their Horoscopes? We don't have a clue, but we like the idea that we do, even when the truth is we don't.
Nostradamus had no clue, he was just writing down what the drugs were telling him. The same goes for the book of Revelation, it was one person's vision of the future, just like the Mayan calendar. I like the Classic Rock group Dire Straights, and in their song "Industrial disease" there is a line, "two men say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong."
Damn straight! Those guys had it right. With all these crazy doomsayers, I like to believe they are all wrong.
That's my random Tuesday thought. I hope to have them for many more years, but if you believe the Mayans, you only have Three more and three weeks to put up with any of it.
They say trouble comes in threes. Maybe I should post this at 9 pm, to add three hours to that.
Three years, Three weeks, and three hours until doomsday. Now I am part of the conspiracy! Boolyah!